problema d'amore 430giovedì 6 agosto 2015

He wants to marry me, I'm scared

Hi Doctor Ammore, I'm * born on * and I'm in love with * born on *. We are sharing our lifes from * year. Now he asked me to marry him last night while we had a dinner at a restaurant. When he opened his little box with a fantastic ring inside, I was so thrilled and excited that I won't believe it. I answered I'll marry him! I think I'm too impressed for that... But today I feel unsure on the wedding and I started to be really scared. Just now, I'm too scared to marry him... I don't want any wedding, I feel so young and unsure! It's not for me, not now! Can you help me how to tell my boyfriend that I don't wanna marry him? Thanks a lot!

Hi dear,
your reaction seems to be a little bit out of control. Please take the time to relax yourself and put thoughts out of your mind as much as you can.
I read a first part of your letter where you are in love with your boy, and I think that is the real thing you have in your heart.
Second part (his proposal for wedding) seems to be the shock for a really new thing that scared you. Calm down. Breath deeply and repeat yourself "it's gonna be all right". You don't have to tell your boyfriend to cut your relation.
Once you feel more relaxed, take the time to talk peacefully with your boyfriend about your fears.
Remind: keep calm while you're talking and don't take any important decision if you're not calm.

Do as I wrote and write me again to keep me updated.

A hug for you,
Dottor Amore

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